Mike Hill of Clean Cut wasn’t mowing a lawn when his phone rang with the Walker Talk editor on the line. He was driving to the family lake house three hours east of Louisville, Kentucky.
“A few years ago, my wife and I purchased the lake property. At the time, she wasn’t all that excited about it, but that changed in a hurry and now she spends nearly all her time there. I usually go down on Thursday and return to Louisville on Sunday,” said Hill.
Mike Hill is mowing lawns just like he was when featured in Walker Talk, Volume 37.
In between, he’s mowing lawns just like he was when featured in Walker Talk, Volume 37. “One Man Show,” added Hill, who just turned 60. “I mow my residential accounts with the same machine I’ve had for 20 years, although it has a new mowing deck and the engine has been rebuilt.”
Still operating alone, this Walker Mower user emphasized he’s not working as hard as he once did and often knocks off work by noon. A second lake house property that the couple rents out brings in additional income and ensures that, when not cutting lawns, there’s something for Hill to do.
Read the original story, 'One Man Show'