Winston Collins, owner of Collins Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance, was 67 years old when Walker Talk visited him in Newport News, Virginia, nine years ago. Today, he’s 76 and, in his words, still having fun.
Winston Collins, owner of Collins Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance, offers a customized lawn maintenance service, one that is more aptly described as a property caretaker service.
“I’m not trying to grow; I’m trying to maintain,” said this former Army drill instructor. In fact, he has many of the same high-end residential customers he had back then and continues to offer a customized lawn maintenance service, one that is more aptly described as a property caretaker service.
“Whatever the customer needs, no problem,” he related. “I have a great rapport with them, and they trust me to pick up their kids from school, take care of their dogs, pay the bills, sort the mail and so forth. They name it and I will do it because that’s the kind of relationship I have with them. I don’t think I could ever sell the business because there wouldn’t be the level of trust between the new owner and the customers that I built up over time.”
Collins still uses Walker Mowers. The number grew from four to seven and includes two Super Bs that he uses on almost all his properties. He’s still happily married to his wife, Edwynna, and continues to be a runner, although a foot issue slowed him down, but not for long.
Read the original story, Winston's Way