A Groundsman Among Boys

Billy Gropp will never forget the time he was servicing a residential property early in his career in the 1980s. The lady of the house would refer to him as “the yard boy.” Billy took it in stride. He just said “Yes, ma’am,” got paid, and moved onto the next property. As a young person trying to build a business, that was the bottom line.

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69 and Nowhere Near Retirement

In the 37 years he has been mowing lawns for a living, Tim Morville has purchased around 20 Walker Mowers. He has also suffered two debilitating injuries on two separate occasions, each of which put him out of commission for an entire mowing season. Fortunately, he could count on his employees, family, and friends to step in and help keep his accounts serviced while he recovered.

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The Builder Becomes the Owner

Russell Alvey needed a job in a hurry. He had just moved back home to southern Indiana after determining a career with his uncle’s construction business in Florida wasn’t for him. When Russell saw a help wanted ad from a local lawn maintenance company, he quickly applied. Mowing lawns could be an enjoyable way to make some money that summer. But Russell never imagined that this temporary job would become a lifelong career.

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Helping the Hurting by Mowing Their Lawns

Carol’s Calling in Westfield, Indiana, all started in 2019 after the Bieda family had gone through a few very trying years. Carol Bieda passed away after a several-year battle with cancer. During that same timeframe, Kyle and Katie Bieda, Carol’s son and daughter-in-law, had an infant son who was undergoing treatment for leukemia.

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Web Developer Writes His Own Lawn Care Code

Nick Satkovich is quite particular about how he mows his lawn, and both his neighbors and their landscapers have taken notice. Nick Satkovich started growing a passion for developing websites as a teenager more than 20 years ago. It wasn’t long after that when he began gaining interest in another passion.

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Relationship-Based Company

When we describe our company, we often refer to ourselves as relationship-based in our approach to business.

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