Web Developer Writes His Own Lawn Care Code

Written by Walker Talk | Oct 15, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Nick Satkovich is quite particular about how he mows his lawn, and both his neighbors and their landscapers have taken notice. Nick Satkovich started growing a passion for developing websites as a teenager more than 20 years ago. It wasn’t long after that when he began gaining interest in another passion.


“I worked for a local landscaping company in college here in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,” Nick tells. “That was my first experience with a Walker Mower, let alone any zero-turn riding mower.”

That experience left quite an impression. More than 15 years later, Nick found himself mowing the spacious lawn of his new home with a mid-mount, zero-turn mower. It was nothing like he recalled from his college days operating a Walker.

“It gave a pretty decent cut, so I’m not going to knock it,” Nick says. “But I was getting a lot of ruts because weight was an issue.”

Bagging grass and leaves was another issue. Nick says he tried setting up his mid-mount to function like a Walker. He added a bagging attachment to the side-discharge chute, but it was nowhere near what he remembered from college.

Nick Satkovich mows his spacious lawn in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with his Model T27i Walker Mower.

“After using that mower a couple of seasons, I went ahead and purchased a Walker Model T27i in May 2022,” Nick says. “It has been fantastic ever since. I immediately noticed our lawn looking a hundred times better. It was the striping factor, obviously. But we also stopped seeing ruts. The Walker isn’t as heavy on the lawn because the weight is more spread out. I also like the controls because your arms don’t have to be upright, so you’re more relaxed. That’s important because mowing is my relaxing time.”

A Designer’s Eye

Nick Satkovich actually went to college for criminal justice. His uncle was in law enforcement and Nick wanted to follow in his footsteps. Just a few years after graduating, however, Nick decided to take a shot at another passion, developing websites.

“I’ve always liked building websites ever since I was in high school,” Nick says. “It wasn’t a great time to start a business, but in 2008 I decided to start a digital marketing agency, Peer Pressure Creative. Things have worked out better than I could have expected.”

Nick didn’t have a lawn to mow while he was establishing his marketing business. It’s probably just as well because he was working a lot of hours. As busy as he was, Nick couldn’t help but notice the work quality of the contractor mowing for his townhouse HOA. “It didn’t look like the lawns I used to help mow with a Walker back in college,” Nick says.

Nick is one of those people who is a bit fussy about the appearance of his lawn, not to mention his equipment.

“I’m a little obsessive,” Nick says. “But also, as a web designer, I see some things maybe with a different eye. I look for things like symmetry. That’s why I really like mowing with a crosshatch pattern, especially with the way the Walker stripes.”

To that end, Nick double-cuts his lawn every time he mows. His wife, Allison, thinks it’s a little over the top and a waste of time. To Nick, it’s time well spent.

“I cut one direction, then crosshatch in the other direction,” Nick says, adding that it takes him 2-1/2 hours to finish his lawn. He wouldn’t skimp on one single minute, either. Mowing brings Nick a ton of enjoyment.

Once Nick puts his hearing protection on and sits down on his Walker, it’s relaxation time.

“I just love being out here on the lawn,” Nick says. “And when I get done, when everything is edged and blown down, it’s just a lot of satisfaction. I clean my Walker every time I mow, too. I pressure wash it and wipe it all down so everything is pristine for the next mow. It’s just fun for me.”

Nick’s neighbors have noticed how pristine his lawn looks, as have the lawn care contractors who service other properties in the area.

“I’m actually one of the few people in my neighborhood who cuts their own lawn,” Nick points out. “There have actually been a couple of times when lawn contractors came over and wanted to see my mower and ask me questions. I’m always more than happy to talk to them.”

The stripes on Nick’s front lawn have prompted some of his neighbors’ lawn contractors to stop in and ask what he mows with.

A Developer Needs His Tools

Along with his Walker Model T27i, Nick has invested in two decks.

“I use my 52-inch collection deck in the spring and fall, and switch to a 52-inch mulching deck during the summer months,” Nick points out. He has also invested in the Power Dump option, along with several implements including a dethatcher, rotary broom, boom sprayer, and spreader. When you’re as serious about lawn care as Nick Satkovich, mowing is just one of the many tasks that needs to be done throughout the year.

Nick Satkovich and a few pieces from his personal Walker fleet.

Nick has another activity that is commanding more of his attention nowadays. He became a dealer for Sherp amphibious off-road vehicles a few years ago. After a bumpy start that no one could have predicted, things are poised to start taking off.

“Like I said before, I’m not the best at picking the best time to start a new business,” Nick says. “I became a Sherp dealer in late 2019 after inquiring about buying one myself. When I found out the two closest dealers were several hours away, I asked about what it would take to become a dealer myself. The investment and other requirements weren’t as difficult as I thought they might be, so I decided to do it. COVID hit shortly after. Then when things started to straighten out there, the war in Ukraine started in early 2022. These Sherps happen to be built in Ukraine, so, the first couple of years got off to somewhat of a slow start.”

Good things come to those who wait, though. In mid-2023, Nick started receiving some inventory. He immediately began working his contacts in law enforcement to start drumming up business for these unique amphibious off-road machines.

“It’s kind of interesting,” Nick says. “The control levers in the Sherp are a lot like the controls on a Walker Mower. It feels very familiar.”

The question now is which set of controls Nick will be sitting at most often. It’s going to be difficult to resist the urge to spend time driving around in a vehicle as exciting as a Sherp. Not much will get in the way of his Walker time, though.

“When the weather is on my side, mowing allows me to get a little quiet time,” Nick says. “I put on my hearing protection and just focus on doing one of the things I love: mowing.”